The Art of Resonance: Amit Dinesh Patel

From November 2024 onward, the research cluster THE ART OF RESONANCE (KASK & Conservatory Gent) is organising a series of informal listening sessions with international artists and researchers, with an eye (and ear) to cultivating a sonic sensibility and relationality.

Kunstenbibliotheek, Gent
30 January 2025 16:00

Amit Dinesh Patel, aka Dushume, is an experimental noise and sound artist, influenced by Asian underground music and DJ culture. His work focuses on performing and improvising with purpose built do-it-yourself instruments, and recording these instruments incorporating looping, re-mixing and re-editing techniques. Lack and loss of control are central to his work. He has a PhD in Music, Studio Bench: the DIY nomad and Noise Selector (2019), from the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. He is a Senior Lecturer in Music and Sound and an active member of the Sound/Image Research Centre at the University of Greenwich, London, and Principal Investigator for the AHRC Research Grant Exploring Cultural Diversity in Experimental Sound (2021-23).

The Art of Resonance: Salomé Voegelin AUDIO

* Rhodri Davies, Loving it, Paint your lips while singing your favourite pop song, 2022
* Ellen Fullman, In the Sea, In the Sea, 1986
* Beatriz Ferreira, Echos, Echos + , 1978
* Hannah, Silva, Prosthetics, Talk in a Bit, 2018
* Arturas Bumsteinas, Night on a Sail Ship, 2018
* Arturas Bumsteinas, Bad Weather Long Play, 2019
* Kate, Carr, False Dawn, 2024

The Art of Resonance: Mo’Min Swaitat

From November 2024 onward, the research cluster THE ART OF RESONANCE (KASK & Conservatory Gent) is organising a series of informal listening sessions with international artists and researchers, with an eye (and ear) to cultivating a sonic sensibility and relationality.

Kunstenbibliotheek, Gent
5 December 2024 16:00

Mo’min Swaitat is a London-based Palestinian artist, theatre and filmmaker who trained at the Freedom Theatre (Jenin) and arthaus (formerly LISPA) in London/Berlin, specializing in the Jacques Lecoq method of physical theatre, mask work and mime. He is the founder of Majazz Project, an archival platform and record label focused on reissuing Palestinian cassette and vinyl albums and field recordings, with a particular focus on sounds from the 1960s through to the 1990s. As part of the Majazz Project, Swaitat has initiated the Palestinian Sound Archive, which has been shared through NTS radio and was recently subject of an exhibition held at the Southbank Centre. Swaitat comes from a long line of Bedouin musicians and storytellers, and the archive references his rootedness in music as a means of celebrating one’s culture and sense of belonging.

In collaboration with the research project Transnational Solidarity (Mohanad Yaqubi, KASK School of Arts) and the research cluster Archival Sensations.

The Art of Resonance: Salomé Voegelin

From November 2024 onward, the research cluster THE ART OF RESONANCE (KASK & Conservatory Gent) is organising a series of informal listening sessions with international artists and researchers, with an eye (and ear) to cultivating a sonic sensibility and relationality.

Kunstenbibliotheek, Gent
28 November 2024 16:00

Salomé Voegelin is a writer, researcher, and practitioner, who works from the relational logic of sound to focus on the in-between and the liminal, where different disciplines meet to deal with contemporary issues, and where feminist, decolonial, and postanthropocentric demands can engender different and plural knowledge possibilities. She is engaged in the transversal and transdisciplinary potential of the sonic – to listen across disciplines and processes in order to develop a hybridisation of research where music, arts and humanities skills and methodologies can generate a contemporary response to climate, health and social emergencies. As an artistic researcher she focuses on the possibilities of sound and music for knowledge and pedagogy, and is invested in its scope to re-vision the aesthetic to reveal hidden slices of the real. She is the author of Listening to Noise and Silence (2010), Sonic Possible Worlds (2014/21), The Political Possibility of Sound (2018) and Uncurating Sound [2023]. Voegelin is a Professor of Sound at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London.

Politics of the Voice Documentation

In the context of Courtisane Festival 2024 (Gent, 27 – 31 March 2024), with the support of KASK & Conservatory / School of Arts.

The voice emanates from within.

Here are seven artists who are not afraid of the sound of their own voices — whether embodied, sonic, visual, spoken, recited, conversed, unvoiced, silent.

They do not take their agency or freedom to express for granted.
They know these freedoms have been hard won.

This is the Politics of the Voice.

(Elaine Mitchener)

Curated by Elaine Mitchener. In the context of the research project Echoes of Dissent (KASK & Conservatory / School of Arts Gent).