Shadows of The Unseen / Movement Radio 5

Fifth episode of “Shadows of the Unseen” for movement_radio Athens. Aired on 28 February 2021.


1. Ameel Brecht – Tropico Fantasma
From Ghost Tropic (Bas Devos, 2019)
2. Bruce Langhorne – Everything was being used up
From Idaho Transfer (Peter Fonda, 1973)
3. Bernard Parmegiani – La ville en haut de la colline
From La ville en haut de la colline (Jean Vernier, 1969)
4. Ka Baird – The Kiss
From The Oneiric Bicycle (Sam Klickner, 2016)
5. Excerpts from O.K. End Here (Robert Frank, 1963)
6. Luis David Aguilar – Hombres de viento
From Hombres de viento (José Antonio Portugal, 1984)
7. Alain Pierre – Ô Sidarta
From Ô Sidarta (Michel Jakar, 1974)
8. Egisto Macchi – L’Eco Delle Gole
From Il Deserto (library record, 1974)
9. Hélène C. Savard, Stéphane Venne – Le temps perdu
From Le temps perdu (Michel Brault, 1964)
10. S Park – Sun High
From Dawn of the Dead (George A. Romero, 1978)
11. Excerpt from Spring Breakers (Harmony Korine, 2012)
12. Wolf Eyes – untitled
From N.P (Lisa Spilliaert, 2020)
11. Toshi Ichiyanagi – Everything Visible Is Empty
From Everything Visible Is Empty (Toshio Matsumoto, 1975)
14. Kaoru Tomita – Midnight Parasites
From Kiseichuu no Ichiya / Midnight Parasites (Yoji Kuri, 1972)
15. Steven Brown – Voiture Jean Gina B.
From Jean Gina B. (Jean-Paul Ferbus, 1984)
16. Tibor Szemző – Airy Wedding
From D-FILM – Private Hungary (Péter Forgács, 1991)
17. Call Back the Giants – Samara Sands (The End)
From Samsara Sands (Dominic Pillai, 2013)
18. Giuliano Sorgini – Telecinesi (full + drums)
From Un urlo dalle tenebre / The Return of the Exorcist (Elo Pannacciò, Franco Lo Cascio, 1975)
19. Patrick Cowley – Primordial Landscape
From Muscle Up (Fox Studio, 1980)

Shadows of The Unseen / Movement Radio 4

Fourth episode of “Shadows of the Unseen” for movement_radio Athens. Aired on 24 January 2021.


1. Steve Potts – Bhagavad Gita
From Le sujet ou le secrétaire aux mille et un tiroirs (Joaquín Lledó, 1975)
2. William Greaves, Bill Dixon – Wealth of a Nation
From Wealth of a Nation (William Greaves, 1964)
3. Bruno Nicolai – Una vergine tra i morti viventi
From Una vergine tra i morti viventi / A Virgin Among the Living Dead (Jesús Franco, Jean Rollin, 1973)
4. Alexander Gradsky, Valentina Tolkunova – Lullaby
From Romans o vlyublyonnykh / Romance for lovers (Andrey Konchalovskiy, 1974)
5. Berto Pisano, Romolo Grano – Sacro e Profano
From Arcana (Giulio Questi, 1972)
6. Pierre Henry, François-Bernard Mâche – Soy leyenda
From Soy leyenda (Mario Gómez Martín, 1966)
7. Radio Free Europe, Bill Paxton – Taking Tiger Mountain
From Taking Tiger Mountain (Tom Huckabee, Kent Smith, 1983)
8. Jack Nitzsche, Barre Philips – Cat & Mouse
From Cruising (William Friedkin, 1980)
9. Acanthus (Daniel Buffet, Gérard Sallette)
From Le frisson des vampires / The Shiver of the Vampires (Jean Rollin, 1971)
10. Gong – What Do You Want
From Continental Circus World (Jérôme Laperrousaz, 1972)
11. Can – Tango Whiskeyman
From Deadlock (Roland Klick, 1970)
12. Karl Heinz Schäfer – La Victime
From Les Gants Blancs du Diable / The White Gloves of the Devil (Lazlo Szabo, 1973)
13. Jean-Michel Jarre – Le Car / Descente au Village
From Les Granges Brûlées / The Burned Barns (Jean Chapot, 1973)
14. Aminadav Aloni – The Crab, The Turtle, The Pelican And The Horse
From Once (Morton Leonard Heilig, 1973)
15. Jerry Goldsmith – Love Shop
From Logan’s Run (Michael Anderson, 1976)
16. Luc Ferrari – Cyclotron
From Cyclotron (Alain Bedos, 1978)
17. Billy Green – Eco Blue / Toadstrip
From Stone (Sandy Harbutt, 1974)
1B. Bruno Spoerri – Lilith, Singing in the Dark
From Lilith (Kurt Aeschbacher, 1979)

Shadows of The Unseen / Movement Radio 3

Third episode of “Shadows of the Unseen” for movement_radio Athens. Aired on 13 December 2020.


1. Mark Leckey – Dream English Kid, 1964 – 1999 AD, Part 1
From Dream English Kid, 1964 – 1999 AD (Mark Leckey, 2015)
2. Howard Shore – Vale Captured
From Scanners (David Cronenberg, 1981)
3. Charles Gross – Blue Sunshine
From Blue Sunshine (Jeff Lieberman, 1977)
4. Nicolas Peyrac, Roland Romanelli – Antes de Separarnos
From Siete días de enero / Seven Days in January (Juan Antonio Bardem, 1979)
5. Phillan Bishop – Messiah of Evil
From Messiah of Evil (Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz, 1973)
6. Gil Mellé – Op
From The Andromeda Strain (Robert Wise, 1971)
7. Eliane Tortel, Raun Mackinnon – Hold on to Love
From Messiah of Evil (Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz, 1973)
8. Mario Nascimbene, Olga Karlatos – Canto di Didone
From TV Show L’eneide (Franco Rossi, 1971)
9. Roberto Cacciapaglia – Acufene
From TV Show Stereo 2 (1981)
10. Nicolas Peyrac, Roland Romanelli – Rite
From Siete días de enero / Seven Days in January (Juan Antonio Bardem, 1979)
11. Patrick Juvet – Le Reve
From Laura: Shadows of a Summer (David Hamilton, 1979)
12. Philippe Besombes – la Plage
From Libra (Groupe Pattern, 1973)
13. Marianna Hill in Messiah of Evil (Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz, 1973)
14. Henry Mancini – Don’t make waves
From Wait Until Dark (Terence Young, 1967)
15. Pierre Henry – La Morte Musique
From Maléfices / Where the Truth Lies (Henri Decoin, 1962)
16. Maggi Payne – Flights of Fancy
From live dance/video-processing performance by Ed Tennenbaum’s Technological Feets (1984-1987)
17. Georg Deuter- Pearls
From Princess of Dawn / Soundtrack (library record, 1973)
18. Charles Wain – Driving Home
From The Last Wave (Peter Weir, 1977)
19. Tibor Szemző – Tractatus
From Wittgenstein Tractatus (Péter Forgács, 1992)

Shadows of The Unseen / Movement Radio 2

Second episode of “Shadows of the Unseen” for movement_radio Athens. Aired on 29 November and 4 December 2020.


1. Joji Yuasa – Document of the Long White Line
From Document of the Long White Line (Toshio Matsumoto, 1960)
2. Akio Suzuki – Les Chants de Maldoror
From Les Chants de Maldoror (Shuji Terayama, 1977)
3. Sun Ra – It’s after the end of the world
From Space is the Place (John Coney, 1972-1974)
4. Oskar Sala – Aus unserem Arbeitstag
From Aus unserem Arbeitstag / A Working Day (Manfred Durniok, 1969)
5. Peter Finch in Network (Sidney Lumet, 1976)
6. Desmond Leslie – The Coming of the Elements
From Sacrifice, B.C. 5,000 “sound picture” (Desmond Leslie, 1955 – 1959)
7. Bruce Lacey – Music From Double Exposure
From Double Exposure (Jill Bruce & Bruce Lacey, 1975)
8. Antarjyami Muni – Twin Conch-shell Solo
From The Gardener of Eden (James Broughton, 1981 – originally on Folk Music of India (Orissa, 1963))
9. Roger Waters, Ron Geesin – Music From The Body
From The Body (Roy Battersby, 1970)
10. Ole Ørsted – The Sinful Dwarf
From The Sinful Dwarf (Vidal Raski, 1973)
11. Ron Geesin – Agonythm
From Last House on Dead End Street(Roger Watkins, 1973)
12. Fragment from Threads (Mick Jackson, 1984)
13. Cabaret Voltaire – Theme 1
From Chance Versus Causality (Babeth Mondini, 1979)
14. Sam Waymon – The Seduction
From Ganja & Hess (Bill Gunn, 1973)
15. John Carpenter, Alan Howarth
From They Live (John Carpenter, 1988)
16. Kurt Stenzel – Total Extermination
From Dune (Alejandro Jodorowsky, 1974, film never realized)
17. Melvins – Queen Powder Party
From A Walk With Love & Death (Jesse Nieminen, 2017)
18. Ludo Mich – Music From the Film Saturnus
From Saturnus (Ludo Mich, 1971)
19. Salix Alba – Générique
From Les tueurs fous / Lonely killers (Boris Szulzinger, 1972)
20. Osanna, Luis Bacalov – Preludio
From Milano Calibro 9 / Caliber 9 (Fernando Di Leo, 1972)
21. Fragment from They Live (John Carpenter, 1988)

Shadows of The Unseen / Movement Radio 1

First episode of “Shadows of the Unseen” for movement_radio Athens. Aired on 15 November and 25 November 2020.


1. Linda Manz in Out of the Blue (Dennis Hopper, 1980)
2. DICK TRACY (Loorie aka Laurent Petitgand, Meche Mamecier, Chico Rojo Ortega) – Tokyo-Ga
From Tokyo-Ga (Wim Wenders, 1985)
From Dreamwood (James Broughton, 1972)
From Cybernetik 5.3 (John Stehura, 1960-65)
5. MORT GARSON – Bamboo City
From Didn’t You Hear? (Skip Sherwood, 1970)
6. BERNARD PARMEGIANI – La guerre des insectes
From La guerre des insectes (Peter Kassovitz, 1980)
7. ZDENEK LISKA – Ikarie XB-1
From Ikarie XB-1 (Jindřich Polák, 1963)
8. JOZEF MALOVEC – Výhybka
From Výhybka (Ján Lacko, 1963)
9. Tuesday Weld in Play it As it Lays (Frank Perry, 1972)
10. LINDSAY COOPER – Pictures from the Great Exhibition
From Song of the Shirt (Sue Clayton & Jonathan Curling, 1979)
11. Elizabeth Taylor in Secret Ceremony (Joseph Losey, 1968)
12. JAIME MENDOZA-NAVA – The Brotherhood of Satan
From The Brotherhood of Satan (Bernard McEveety, 1971)
13. RICHARD RODNET BENNETT, Mia Farrow – Secret Ceremony
From Secret Ceremony (Joseph Losey, 1968)
14. NORA ORLANDI – A Doppia Faccia
From A Doppia Faccia / Double Face (Riccardo Freda, 1969)
From Adiós gringo (Giorgio Stegani aka George Finley, 1965)
16. RON GEESIN – The Daily Round
From The Daily Round (Dick Bush, 1971)
17. ANDRZEJ KORZYNSKI – Trying to Catch a Fly
From Polowanie na muchy / Hunting Flies (Andrzej Wajda, 1969)
18. BRUNO MADERNA – Down down down / Guaiaba
From La Morte ha fatto l’uovo / Death Laid an Egg (Giulio Questi, 1968)
19. Evžen Illín in Lásky jedné plavovlásky / Loves of a Blonde (Miloš Forman, 1965)
20. GEORGE HARRISON – Dream Scene
From Wonderwall (Joe Massot, 1968)
21. BOBBY BEAUSOLEIL – Lucifer Rising
From Lucifer Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1972)