On the occasion of the online screening of Michel Khleifi’s Fertile Memory on 18 March 2021, jointly organized by Courtisane and Sabzian, Sabzian published several texts on the film. These texts were already part of the publication Michel Khleifi, MÉMOIRE FERTILE / FERTILE MEMORY, compiled, edited and published by Courtisane, CINEMATEK and Sindibad Films, but on this occasion new (English) translations have been produced.
► Michel Khleifi: From Reality to Fiction – From Poverty to Expression
► Jacqueline Aubenas, Michel Khleifi, Serge Meurant, Johan van der Keuken: Excerpts from a conversation on Fertile Memory
► Catherine Arnaud, Mouloud Mimoun: Interview with Michel Khleifi on Fertile Memory
► Mouloud Mimoun: Fertile Memory. A Budding Filmmaker Generates a Past With a Future
► Edward W. Said: Interiors